Not even Gargoyle's THAT evil!
"But, Gargoyle-sama, if the Americans put Nadia on DVD without the bonus OMAKE Theater segments that will be even more evil than anything we've ever done!!!"

Save Our NADIA DVDs!!!
Yup, that's right. We've switched our focus from saving the EVA DVDs to the upcoming Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water DVDs. The first EVA disc still needs to be redone, and we should all continue to write in regarding that, but it is apparent that ADV will never try to get better source material or the director's cut footage for EVA. Yes.... it is my opinion that they hate their American buyers.

You know what? I'm sick of defending (welllll, maybe not "defending", but essentially not "slamming") ADVision. They have lost all my faith in them as a decent anime company. It's still a while before the Nadia DVDs come out and it appears that they've already destroyed them... and they don't think anything of it.

Why? What will be wrong with the Nadia DVDs?

To begin with, Nadia is one of the greatest shows ever made. In my opinion, it is even better than EVA. And you know how much I love EVA. Well, the VHS tapes of Nadia that ADV has already released do NOT have the Omake (pronounced "Oh-mah-kay") Theaters on them that the Japanese LDs do. And it is apparent that they will not try too hard to get this footage for the eventual DVD release.

What are the OMAKE Theaters? Well, remember Gunbuster or Blue Seed? Remember how they had those silly segments at the end of certain episodes? Gunbuster had the super deformed science lessons that explained a lot of the show and the thought that went into it. Well, Nadia has 10 of those Omake Theaters of its own, and we may never get them because ADV would have to pay a little bit more for them... Does that sound familiar?

Most of the Nadia Omake stuff is just cute, extra entertainment, but a few of them (3-4 of them) are pretty important to the overall plot. Some are flashback segments that cover what happened to important characters off screen during the middle of the show, and some describe the super science that powers everything throughout the storyline. (GO HERE TO READ MORE ABOUT THEM:

I cannot emphasize enought that THIS IS IMPORTANT INFORMATION!! Yet ADV is cheap. They would have to shell out a few more bucks to get the rights to the omake stuff from a different company whom they already bought the series from. And they don't seem to think that the Omake Theaters are worth it. Any other company would be stepping over hot coals to make sure that these entertaining portions were a part of the whole package.... Just not ADV :(

Dude, why are you so skeptical? I mean, it's theoretically posible that they may get the Omake stuff on their own... Right?

The reason I don't believe anything that ADV "may" try to do is because I've been burnt by their promises before. Back at Anime Weekend Atlanta '98 I asked Matt Greenfield himself if ADV would be putting the Evangelion Director's Cut Footage (added onto the Japanese LDs) on the American DVDs when they eventually came out. He said "Yes". It wasn't even a "maybe" or a "we're going to try", it was "Yes". And I think you can see how that turned out.

More importantly though, is they've already announced the first disc will not have any omake on it!

So, despite the fact that representatives from ADV have said that they might be trying to get the Omake Gekijou for future upcoming Nadia DVD releases I do not believe them. Which is why we need to send them a sign that WE TRULY WANT IT ON THE DISCS. We can't just sit back and hope that they come to their senses. We have to make them fully understand that we don't just want "Part" of a show that they release, we want the WHOLE THING. We got screwed on EVA already, let's not make the same mistake twice.

Well, what can I do to change it?


You see, ADVision is a business. They supposedly do things that the general public wants. But recently they've been changing the music (Americanizing it), names (Americanizing them [like in City Hunter]), botching translations (see last 4 Eva subs for big instances), using horrible image quality on their DVD releases (on some of their biggest titles), not getting all of the footage of certain shows (as seen with EVA and Nadia) and COVERING UP THE ORIGINAL ART with their really Cheezy graphics (I know 1st year computer art students with 2 weeks of Photoshop experience that could do a better job -_-). This last one is the worst (as seen in Nadesico and now the first EVA disc), but if we the consumers don't say anything, it'll only get worse as ADV figures they can take MORE liberties with their liscences.

The Future is NOW! (Yeah, I don't like quoting Robotech, but that verse is pretty cool :)

Reps from ADVision have stated that they listen to what fans want, but that "ON-LINE" fans are a minority. So in order to change their practices of screwing up anime (and not just any anime, but EVANGELION and NADIA!!!) we have to campaign hard!

We have to go OUT of the internet to get our point across! (That point being that you don't farge with our anime!)
Of course, if you want to e-mail the bejesus out of ADV, be my guest ;). Nobody's stopping you (and I encourage it). We SHOULD let them know just how many of us "on-line" people there are out there who don't like our anime changed by American distributors.

You can e-mail them at:

Well, what can I do to change it? (part II)

Here's what we do:

  1. Call them. Call them and tell them that you want the Nadia Omake Theater segments on the DVD release. They said that they listen to VOICES more than e-mail. So TALK to them ;)
  2. Fax them. Fax them a nice letter.
  3. Write them. Snail-mail them. This is ALWAYS listened to more than a simple e-mail. I've already sent two letters to them verbalizing my opinion.
  4. GO UP TO THEM AT CONVENTIONS and tell them what you want and that what they've been doing is not how you want them to continue doing things. You are the consumer. You keep THEM in business. Tell them what it would take to keep your business (i.e. pay for the extra stuff that makes shows better).
  5. Then e-mail the hell outta them! Send them so much e-mail that it backlogs their server (errr, or something;) ! They must know that we, the internet fans are strong and have opinions too!
  6. DO IT POLITELY!!! Nobody'll listen to you if you just yell at them and call them names. State what you think they did was wrong and then clarify what you want. If enough people are nice and polite to them they will listen. NO YELLING ON THE BUS!!!!
    This is a quote from David Williams of ADV as posted on the Anime on DVD Message board:
    "I make notes of how many comments we get and from where those comments come from. Then I factor out the people who repeatably bitch about something or yell the loudest at cons so they only get one vote. We check our email, read our snail mail, talk to clubs, look at sales and many other factors. Then we put out a new video and see what happens." So DO IT POLITELY!!! This cannot be stressed enough.

Snail-mail them here:

A.D.Vision, Inc.
5750 Bintliff #216
Houston, Texas 77036-2123

Phone them here:

(713) 341-7100 or at

(800) 282-7202

Fax them here:

(713) 341-7195

(All the contact info above is posted on their website, so feel free to use it to drop them a line or 20;)  And then pass the word on to your friends that ADV is using crappy digital transfers of anime greats. Get them to write in to get them to stop messing up their great shows!

Then tell them to FIX these problems in the second printing of the EVA 01 disc and fix the translations of episodes 21-26 before the discs even get made!
Once again, disc 01 is MUCH more botched than Aniemigo's BubbleGum Crises set, and they went back, fixed the stuff that was bad AND THEN THEY ADDED A BUNCH MORE GREAT STUFF! If a tiny company like Animeigo can afford that, ADV Definitely can!! Especially for the show that gave them their money in the first place!

This cheapness is also hurting us in another way. Since ADV will not pay for the Japanese digital masters of EVA, we will NOT see the Director's Cut scenes which complete the show. There is about 5 minutes of extra footage added to the Japanese LDs and DVDs of episodes 21-24 that answer questions that are VERY important to the EVA storyline. Want to know what happened to the Adam Embryo that Kaji brought Gendo? Want to know how The Lance of Longinus got stuck in the moon and how Lilith got legs in the movie End of EVA? Want to know what Kaworu's true relationship with SEELE is? Want to know what really happened to Rei before she blew up the EVA-00? [see Eva Director's Cut Page]

If you have any other questions on the series, please feel free to e-mail me at

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"If a person truly wants to live, he can make anyplace he wants a heaven" - Yui Ikari

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All names, images and events mentioned on this page are copyrights of Gainax Studios Project EVA . NAS.

I do not claim any ownership or rights to these things, so get off my back!  I'm only making this cool page to show how much I love Evangelion and Nadia.